FTP I The Monument of the Discoveries is one of Lisbon's key landmarks, being located in one of the city's most heritage - rich areas. Created by the architect Cottinelli Telmo (1897-1948) and the sculptor Leipoldo de Almeida (1898-1975),an ephemeral version of the monument was erected for the first time for the Exposicio do Mundo Portugues (Portuguese World Exhibition). The definitive construction dates feom 1960, the year in which the 500th anniversary of the death of Henrique the Navigator was commemorated.
The son of Filipa de Lencastre (1359-1415), and King Joao 1 of Portugal (1357-1433). His ability to combine religious, political, scientic and economic goals made Henruque the Navigator the most important figure associated with the great age of the discoveres. He was the driving force behind initiatives that led to the discoveries of Madeira in 1444, the Azores Island in 1427, and Cape Verde in 1444. The passing of Cape Bojador in 1434 marked the start of the exploration of the west coast of Africa. He was never satisfied with familliar territory and right up to his death he was still ordering the caravels to go furhter onwards until the Indies.
In order to decorate the square leading to the Monument, the Republic of South Africa offered a Compass Rose measuring fifty metres in diameter, created from black and red limestone ashlars and containing a fourteen - metre planisphere. Inlaid ships and caravels mark the main routes established during the age of Portuguese Expansion. The work was designed by the architect Cristino da Silva (1896-1976).
1418 - Madeira
1427 - Azores
1434 - Cape Bojador
1444 - Cape Verde
1460 - Guinea
1471 - Mina
1475 - Sao Tome and Principe
1483 - Congo
1483 - Angola
1488 - Cape of Good Hope
1497 - Natal
1498 - Qelimane
1498 - Calicut, India
1498 - Malindi
1500 - Madagascar
1500 - Terra Novo
1500 - Porto Seguro, Brazil
1502 - Cananea
1505 - Ceylon
1507 - Ormus
1509 - Daman
1509 - Malacca
1511 - Pegu
1512 - Maluku Islands
1512 - Timor
1514 - River Plate
1514 - Canton River (Chu Kiang)
1516 - River Ganges
1525 - Palau Islands
1427 - Azores
1434 - Cape Bojador
1444 - Cape Verde
1460 - Guinea
1471 - Mina
1475 - Sao Tome and Principe
1483 - Congo
1483 - Angola
1488 - Cape of Good Hope
1497 - Natal
1498 - Qelimane
1498 - Calicut, India
1498 - Malindi
1500 - Madagascar
1500 - Terra Novo
1500 - Porto Seguro, Brazil
1502 - Cananea
1505 - Ceylon
1507 - Ormus
1509 - Daman
1509 - Malacca
1511 - Pegu
1512 - Maluku Islands
1512 - Timor
1514 - River Plate
1514 - Canton River (Chu Kiang)
1516 - River Ganges
1525 - Palau Islands
Prince Pedro - son of King Joao l
Queen Filupa de Lencastre - mother of Prince Henruque de Navigator
Fernao Mendes Pinto - Writer
Friar Goncalo de Carvalho - dominican
Friar Henruque de Coimbra - franciscan
Luiz Vaz de Camoes - poet
Nuno Goncalves - Painter
Gomes Eanes de Zurara - chronicker
Pero da Covilha - traveller
Jacome de Miorca - cosmographer
Pero de Escobar - Pilot
Pedro Nunes - mathematician
Pero de Alenquer - pilot
Gil Eanes - navigator
Joao Goncalves Zarco - navigator
Prince Fernando - son of King Joao l
Prince Henruque. - the navigator, son of King Joao l
Afonso V - King
Vasco da Gama - navigator
Afonso Baldaia - navigator
Pedro Alvares Cabral - navigator
Fernao de Magalhaes-navigator
Nicolau Coelho -navigator
Gaspar Corte - Real - navigator
Martim Afonso de Sousa - navigator
Joao de Barros - writer
Estevao da Gama - capitan
Bartolomeu Dias - navigator
Diogo Cao - navigator
Antonio de Abreu - navigator
Afonso de Albuqueque - governor
Francisco Xavier - missionary
Cristovao da Gama - capitan
Queen Filupa de Lencastre - mother of Prince Henruque de Navigator
Fernao Mendes Pinto - Writer
Friar Goncalo de Carvalho - dominican
Friar Henruque de Coimbra - franciscan
Luiz Vaz de Camoes - poet
Nuno Goncalves - Painter
Gomes Eanes de Zurara - chronicker
Pero da Covilha - traveller
Jacome de Miorca - cosmographer
Pero de Escobar - Pilot
Pedro Nunes - mathematician
Pero de Alenquer - pilot
Gil Eanes - navigator
Joao Goncalves Zarco - navigator
Prince Fernando - son of King Joao l
Prince Henruque. - the navigator, son of King Joao l
Afonso V - King
Vasco da Gama - navigator
Afonso Baldaia - navigator
Pedro Alvares Cabral - navigator
Fernao de Magalhaes-navigator
Nicolau Coelho -navigator
Gaspar Corte - Real - navigator
Martim Afonso de Sousa - navigator
Joao de Barros - writer
Estevao da Gama - capitan
Bartolomeu Dias - navigator
Diogo Cao - navigator
Antonio de Abreu - navigator
Afonso de Albuqueque - governor
Francisco Xavier - missionary
Cristovao da Gama - capitan
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