вторник, 27 септември 2016 г.

Ефирно излъчване

Днес намерих този сайт за Директно предаване на видео. В него създадох профил от който всички приятели да могат да гледат ЖИВО ПРЕДАВАНЕ от горещи точки на Атлантис 2016 от Северния етап, а ще го използвам и за бъдещи пътешествия.Пожелавам Ви приятно гледане и очаквайте предварително новини кога ще има излъчване! Благодаря Ви за подкрепата!
В. Илиев

събота, 24 септември 2016 г.


Bell sound of cathedral

Rochefort office de tourisme

Market Fes

Маракеш - през погледа на пътешественика

С приятели от България

Скандинавия 2

Скандинавия 1

Карта на етап Дюнкерк - Путгарден


EuroVelo 6 

Русе, Донауешинген, Швейцария, Лоара, Saint Brevin
km 0 - 4110
44 дни
Изминати км - 4110

EuroVelo 1 - Cote d'Árgente - Испания

km 4110 - 4746
8 дни
Изминати км - 636


km 4746 - 6897  / 25 дни
km 8566 - 9784  / 17 дни
Общо дни на каране в Иберия - 42 дни
Общо изминати км - 3369


km 6897 - 8565
22 дни
Изминати км - 1669


km 9784 - 11 354
23 дни
Изминати км - 1570

понеделник, 19 септември 2016 г.

Office de Tourisme Marans

Благодарности към Туристическия информационен център в град Marans, France за оказаната подкрепа!


The fitlrst stone were laid in 1434,and with it one of the longest religious constructions in France was underway, building that wouldn't becompleted until 1891. Repair and restoration work was first undertaken after the 1972 fire and only finisglhed once the cathedral had been returned to its original splendor. Behind the white - stone of a double tower front, the nave rises to a full 37,5 m-higher then Notre-Dame in Paris.
Fall under the spell of five centurys of medieval history. The last castile before the river reaches the sea, this Breton monument with its outstanding buildings takes you from the 15th to 18th centurys. Building started under Francois II, the last duke of Brittany, and then completed by his daughter, Anne of Brittany, twice queen of France. The castle houses a royal palace of elegant renaissance facades and "loggia"  - ornate outward facing galleries.
A magnificent example of the city's architecture evoking the extravagant way of life led by the 18th century maritime traders. The port of Nantes was the biggest in France and one of the most important in Europe. Starting in 1926 l, it took nearly 20 years to fill - in the parts of the river Loire that flowed round the isle. These colossal hones of rich ship builders - built on sandy soil - today lean drastically and create an amazing optical illusion. Made mostly from tufa stone, decorated with stone masks and finished off with wrought iron balconies, they are mostly designed around inner courtyards and vaulted staircases. These rezidences illustrate the dimension of Nantes commercial past in all its pomp. The opulent life-style in 18th century Nantes wad guaranteed by 2main sources:Africa and America. Ships built and fitted in Nantes ran the triangular trade between France's number one port at the time.
An impressive 400 metre long walkwayb from the Victor Schoelcher passage to the Anne de Bretagne bridge. This memorial pays homage to all those who have foght and are still fighting against slavery in all its forms throughout the world. All along the esplanade are 2000 commemorative plaques nothing ships leaving Nantes on slave trade expeditions and the main African and African trading posts, revealing the enormity of the ebhorrent slave - trafficking. Under the quayside, a 90 metre - long underground passagee evokes the captives in the ships' holds, inciting us to think about figjting for the abolition of slavery and the modern form it takes today. Throughout this thougjt provoking walk reached by a decorative staircase, a series of quotations, in every language, from times past and present and from all over; they depict humanity's long combat against slavery.
Le Machines de L'Ile
A team of mad builders led by Pierre Orefice and Francois Delaroziere have set up their workshop under the warehouse. Their imagination has run wild exploring the tree-tops l, the savanna and the botton of the deep blue sea, while their menagerie of machines roams free...  They used the build ships here, and now they make monumental mechanical animals for the young and old to enjoy.
The Grand Elephant
Ehen this majestic beast emerges from its steel cathedral, it is a moving piece of architecture that sets off for a walk. The passengers on board can see what makes the engine and moving feet tick.
An imposing 8 m heron carries passengers and files over the Galerie. Vegetatio rubs up against mechanical plants and animals from the tree top canopy. The Giant ant Ant has been scurrying across the gallery. The four passengers it carries can control its leg, head and mandibles. Sketches of the machine in use as well as covering the whole creative design process are on display in this Galery-Laboratory. New for 2016: a spider joins the mechanical menagerie!
A genuine 360° theatre, nearly 25 m high and 22 m in diameter has been implanted on the banks of the Loire. Its 3-tier concrete lace design under a big top is decorated with pediments and guarded by 16 fishermen from every ocean in the world.

Атлантис 2016 - ПОСВЕЩЕНИЕ

Nous avons à" l' expédition Atlantis 2016", consacrer les étapes votre Mont Saint Michel- Paris. & Paris - Londres - Bruxelles les victimes innocentes citoyens européens dans les attaques en 2015 année

We at" The expedition Atlantis 2016", dedicate the stages your Mont Saint Michel- Paris & Paris - London - Brussels on innocent victims European citizens in the attacks in 2015 year.

Ние от "Експедицията Атлантис 2016"  посвещаваме етапите си Мон Сен Мишел - Париж и Париж - Лондон - Брюксел на невинно загиналите европейски граждани в атентатите през 2015 година.

Закуска за Шампиони

Закуската на екипа на Атлантис 2016

сряда, 14 септември 2016 г.

Нант, Франция

Град Нант е разположен на двата бряга на река Лоара на около 50 км от Атлантическия океан. Нант е част от Департамент Loire-Atlantiqe. Географските координати на градът са 47° Северна ширина и 1,540 Западна дължина.
Градът датира още от преди 1 век и е бил под владението на Римската империя. През това време е бил галско селище разположено на малкия. остров на река Лоара. През девети век, за да бъде защитен градът е издигната стена която го опасва от всички страни. През 15ти век Нант е бил част от Бретан с голяма политическа сила и съдебна система. По това време са издигнати две нови сгради символ и авторитет на херцогството - дворецът на Дюка на Бретан и Катедралата Свети Петър и Свети Пол. Дворецът имал двойно предназначение - укрепване на дворцовата линия и за резиденция, където са живеели 600 души.
През 13ти век Нант е бил отворен за светът и пътят през реката свързва градът с Испания, Португалия и Нидерландия. Свързването на градът с пристанищата от Испания, Португалия, Нант внася тяхна продукция в страната (риба, вино, сол).
Нант е развито пристанище от 18ти век и през него годишно преминават около 2000 кораба и плавателни съдове. През този век той става и важно пристанище за Франция, като оттук преминава 42% от френската търговска експедицоя. Икономоческия и демографски бум (това е довело до двойно увеличение на населението, до 80 000 души) довебда до разширяване на градът. Първият проект за тази цел и за урбанизирането на градът датира от 1723 година. Планът е съставен от Goubert Faced.
През втората половина 19ти век Нант е бил индустриализиран. Развиват се и се разработват фабрики за консерви, захарни рафинерии, фабрика за бисквити, дестилационни фабрики, пивоеарни. В началото на векът корабостроенето е било важно за развитието на региона заедно с металургията.
През 1828 година в град Нант се ражда великият приключенски писател Жюл Верн (1828-1905).
В 1851 година в Нант е разработен и пуснат първият трамвай във Франция.
Катедрала Свети Пиер и Свети Пол. Първият камък на катедралата е положен през 1454 година. Този храм е един от големите религиозни конструкции във Франция. Завършена е през 1891 година. Катедралата разполага с две кули, които са високи 37,5 метра.
Шатото е построено от 15ти до 18ти век. Строителството е започнато по времето на Fransois II, последният дук на Бретан и завършен от Anne Бретанска.
Със своите 7хектара в центъра на градът, се отглеждат 10 000 вида растения и повече от 50 000 вида цветя засаждани всеки сезон в 800 квадратни метра оранжерии.
Мисълта провокира уникални пътеки във Франция. Мемориала е замислен от художника Krzystof Wodiczko и архитекта Julian Bonder. На алеята пред Мемориала до река Лоара, са поставени множество плочки с цитати на всеки език от всички места по Света.
                           * * *
Историческият град Нант от древни времена е привличал вниманието на хората. Със своето стратегическо местоположение градът се е развил като важно пристанище за Франция. Той е процъфтявал през вековете и постепенно се е разширявсл и модернизирал. С разширяването му, населението също така се е увеличило.
Подкрепете тази статия като направите кратко дарение!
Please Donate!

вторник, 13 септември 2016 г.


This historical Casas del Concejo (Council halls)  are in the Plaza Mayor. The facade dates from 1906, designed by the sculptor Jose Soler Onrrubia. The clock tower and the wrougiht tower are notable; both are the work of Emilio Guitierez.
The chapel was originally adjacent to the Church of San Miguel which no longer exist. It was designed in the 16th century by Luis de Lucena, a humanist from the city in the service of the Vatican. Inside special mention requires fresoes painted by Romulo Cincinato.
The palace, situated in the square of the same name, dates back to the 16th century, evidence of which we see in the main entrance and in the central patio, designed by Lorenzo Valzquez. Inside we can admire the Chines Room, decorated with rice wall paper. The style is rare in Spain, adding to its value.
The tower was built to defend the bridge. The bridge was built at the end of the 13th century by the Infanta Isabella and her sister Beatrx to permit the access to the convent of San Bernardo. Nowadays it houses the Centre of Interpretation of the Medieval City and is defensive walls.


A pearl of 18th-century architecture besieged by contemporary architets, so cultivated that its very soil is transmuted into fine wine. Today a World Heritage site l, this maritime city has been open to the winds of the world from time immemirial. It was able to capture its charms while preserving its two thousands year old civilisation.
The 18th century city centre, which so enchanted the novelist and poet, remains the focal point of a vast urban environment listed as a World Human Heritage site. Only the cargo port has since moved downstream, opening up the waterfront for strollers to appereciate broad views if the city's emblematic contemporary buildings. Soak up the Bordeux atmosphere and its 2000 years of culture.
Alongside the Versailles and Turin opera houses, the Grand Theatre has on of the most beautiful concert halls in the world! Gamier, the architect of the Oaris Opera House, found his vocation when he visited "Louis Pslace". Victor Louis built this masterpiece under the reign of Louis XVI. The Parisian architect planned everything down ti the smallest detail:concert hall, cafe, boutiques and even gambling dens...

Нант - Жюл Верн

Град Нант, Франция. Родният град на любимият ми Автор на приключенски романи от които черпя вдъхновение за всяко едно пътешествие. Жюл Верн, кой ли не е чел за Капитан Немо, Тайнственият Остров, Около Света за 80 дни, От Земята до Луната и много други

Rochefort - The Transporter Bridge

The metallic architectural work of art dating from 1900 is the last construction of its kind in France. As from 2016 the gondola will cease to cross above the Charente due to major renovation work on the construction.


И ето,  на 128 ден "Експедиция Атлантис 2016" достигна средновековния манастир "Монт Сен Мишел". До тук всички цели и планувани места са посетени. Остава ни Оариж и Лондон на първо четене.

четвъртък, 8 септември 2016 г.


The Gardens of El Buen Retiro were created in the XVII century by order of Felipe IV as a leisure estate for the kings and queens of the House of Austria. During the reigns of the House of Bourbon, in the XVII and XIX centuries, the Royal Place and is surroundings were enriched with additional structures. Projects undertaken during the regin of Fernando VII include the re-forestation of the Park, and the construction of the Casa de Fieras (the Royal Zoo), the Royal Jetty and the Jardin de los Caprichos, the king's private garden, from which remain the Artificial Mountain and the Casita del Pescador (Fisherman's Cotage). Successive demolitions carried out on the grounds and the serious damages suffered be the Park during the Independence War, when it was used by the French soldiers as a fortress and quarters, together with pressure from the city's urban expasion during the XIX century shaped its current appearance. In 1868 the Park became property of the City of Madrid and was opened to the citizens for their enjoyment. At the and of the XIX century and beginning of the XX century. El Retiro was used as a venue for various International Exhibitions. The Palacio de Cristal and the Palacio de Valazquez are two of the emblematic buildings which remain fron that time. The Cecilio Rodriguez Gardens were also incorporated into the Park, and new uses were given to old buildings. Modern architecture spread across tha Park over the last decades of the XX century. The ChoperaSports Center and the new kiosks are example of this new style of architecture. Currently plans are in course to completely rehabilitate the Park's landscape, monuments and natural heritage.
E Retiro Park constitutes one of the lungs that make up the rich natural heritage of Madrid. It is the main green area in the city centre, as mach because of its 118 hectares as for its rich vegetation. There is a well marked botanical path, starting at the entrance to the Park by la Plaza de la Independencia (Indepedence Square). A two hour stroll along this path allows visitirs to identifi 54 species of trees and plants. Due ti their rareness, some tree specimens are worth a special mention. The famous Bald Cypress or Ahuehuete (Taxodium mucrunatum), located in the Parterre Gardens is possibly the oldest tree in the Park and quite possibly the oldest in Madrid. Records indicate that the Bald Cypress was planted in 1633. Equally impressive is the magnificent Aleppo Pine (Pinus haleppensis Miller) located near La Rosaleda (The Rose Gardens).
Water has always been a key element in El Retiro, including from the Park's irigins. The Estanque Grande (the Great Lake) streams, ponds and fountains were part of the garden's basic structure. Nowadays, water is the natural habitat of numerous species of aquatic birds. In addition, in some of the quieter wooded areas of the park, visitors can observe blackbirds, greenfinches, blue tits great titmouses and other insect-eating birds.
El Retiro Park was originally located outside the city walls. However, with the growth of Madrid, thr Park now finds itself in the urban heart of the city. Overuse and vety aggressive environmental pressures now threaten this fragile and historical park.
The Madrid City Council is currently applying the concept of sustainable managment to the Park. In the past, occasional steps were taken to safeguard tha Park's natural habitat and resources, including banning traffic and closing the grounds at night. Actually the Park Managment Plan attemps to regulate reasonable and environmentally sound use of the Gardens of El Buen Retiro.
All the renovations in El Retiro Park from the XVIII century onwards have left visible traces of the different periods and fashion trends in which they were carried out. The result is a diverse and harmonious landscape.
The majestic character of El Retiro Park is enhanced by the numerous statues of kings, statesmen, sholars and scientists as well as the alelegoric and mythological sculptures that can be spotted in every corner. Specifically commissioned for these Gardens by the most prominent Spanish sculptors of the XX century - Benlliure, Belver, Estany, Macho and Coullaut Valera, among other - these sculptures make the Park a genuine open air museum. Outstanding pieces are the Fuente del Angel Caido, considered as the only monument in the world dedicated to the Devil, the magnificent sculptural group of Monument to Alfonso XII and the equestrian statue of General Martinez Campos. The Park's perimeter fence and its acces gates, dating back to 1870,are also of significant monumental value.
The Park's location in the city centre and its traditional leisere activities - rowing, boats, puppet theatre, open air concerts, kiosks, artists - make it an inviting meeting place for both people from Madrid and visitors. At weekends or on bank holidays, oen air events and spontaneous activities blend with nature and art in the gardens to make the Park a very attractive spot for strolling around and enjoying the entertaiment.

сряда, 7 септември 2016 г.

Атлантис 2016 - ден 77

Шуменският велосипедист Венцислав Илиев премина Мароко

За 24 дена и навъртяни 1 668 километра, сред планини и пустинни пясъци, шуменският авантюрист на велосипед Венцислав Илиев премина през Мароко. Това съобщава на профила си във Фейсбук Венци.
Африканската държава е само част от маршрута на веломаниака.
Тазгодишното приключение за мъж, велосипед и хиляди километри в Европа и Африка Венци стартира на 7 май от Русе. Преди да стигне до мароканската си авантюра мъжът премина през Сърбия, Унгария, Германия, Франция, Испания, Португалия. В испанския град Тарифа Венци се среща с друга група български велосипедисти и заедно преминават тежкия маршрут през Мароко. Рабат, Казабланка, Маракеш и Атласките планини са само част от маршрута на Венци и компания в африканската държава.
Ферибот връща шуменецът обратно в Европа.
След Испания Венци ще се насочи към Нормандия и оттам към Скандинавието.
Турът на младият мъж в Европа и Африка ще продължи около половин година. Очаква се той да се завърне на българска земя през октомври, добавил нови 25 000 километра.
През 2014 година, в приключение продължило 83 дена, Венци навъртя 10 204 километра, прекоси 15 държави и достигна най-северната точка на Европа – нос Нордкап на остров Магерйоя в Норвегия.


понеделник, 5 септември 2016 г.

Атлантис 2016 - Ден 118 (51)

Едно необичайно място за екипа на. " ЕКСПЕДИЦИЯ АТЛАНТИС 2016 ". Преди 69дни приспахме на това място, сега на 118 ден отново.
Координати:43,96266 север
                          1,35084 Западно от Гринуич

събота, 3 септември 2016 г.

Cote d'Argent. 1836

EuroVelo 1 - Bayonne


The Cathedral
Built between the 12th and 16th centuries on the site of a Romanesqe church, the Cathedral of Saint Mary, a Gotthic style building which is reminiscent of the Champagne region, was largeky redtored and two spires were built in the 19th century by the architect Emile Boeswillwald. It is home to many treasures, such as the 13th century sculpted doorway, the stained glass window depicting the Canaanite's Prayer, dating back to the 16th century and the contemporary great bell decorated with a polychrome engraving, unique in Europe.

Атлантис 2016 - Ден 120

Един невероятен ден за "Експедиция Атлантис 2016", среща с приятели от България - Владимир Тасев и Виолета Панева от София с които бяхме се уговорили да се видим на Тарифа... Но ето съдбата ни събра във Франция малко преди Бордо.

четвъртък, 1 септември 2016 г.


In 1569 after fighting a duel with and grievously injuring his rival Antonio Segura, Migel de Cervantesfl fled Madrid having been sentenced to arrest and to amputation of his right hand, the same hand with which years later he would write DonQuixote. Although he was born in the nearby city of Alcala de Henares in 1547, he had been living in Madrid since 1566. He would return to Spain 20 years later, having fought at the Battle of Lepanto - were he lost the use of his left arm and been held prisoner in Algiers for five years. When he returned to Madrid, the city was also home to some of the other great writers of the Spanish Golden Age such as Quevedo and Lope de Vega. Cervantes decided to try his luck in the corrales de comedias (open -  air courtyards where plays were performed)  but he had little success. He left the city again between 1587 and 1601, during which time he worked as the King's Commissioner in Andalusia. Although Cervantes gained wide recognition with Don Quixote, and the work was soon translated into English and French, the "Prince of Wits"  is said to have died in 1616 in poverty.

Атлантис 2016 - Иберия

Испания - Португалия
Изминати километри - 3352
Дни - 45
Температура - 5 - 45 градуса
Денивилация - около -23 000м
Посетени места - Мадрид, Лисабон, Кабо да Рока, Пунта Тарифа, Малага, Сиудад Реал и много други.
Иберийският п-ов е един от трудните полуострови на Европа ьа колоездене поради планинския и оолупланински релеф. Пътищата подходящи за велосипеди се изкачват почти всеки път до над 1000 м н. в.